Radiant 2O2O

26.02 – 15.07.20
In Koo Jeong A’s Seven Stars, a new series of work comprised of paintings layered with sprayed-on phosphorescent pigments, we encounter the natural phenomena of stars perceived only in a contrasting darkness. As the pigments capture the light, they continue to glow once seen in the dark and reveal stars unperceivable to the eye before. Through the use of the pochoir technique, Koo Jeong A sprayed several stars on to the paintings and thereby allowed for the paintings to have dual existences in different lighting conditions. Like such, the artist created a universe that only unveils itself through changing light and hence, time, whereby Koo Jeong A confronts the viewer with the ephemeral experience created through and by light. With this work, she further examines her ongoing interest in the connection between our earthly experience and its relation to the planetary constellations. Seven Stars is thus connected to the multi-sensory skatepark OooOoO, designed by the artist for the Triennale Milano (2019-2020). Discussing the skatepark, Koo Jeong A speaks about the radiant qualities of both Seven Stars and OooOoO: ‘I see an emission of radiation, like the painting in the skatepark, or a planet in the sky.’
– Hans Ulrich Obrist