Juliana Gallego

Born in Medellin, Colombia in 1980.Is a lawyer graduated from Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana in Medellín, Colombia, MBA fromISEAD University in Spain, Specialist in International Contracting from Externado de ColombiaUniversity and partner of AGENdA, holding the position as Legal and Administrative Directorsince 2014.

Juliana has held different positions, working as a lawyer in the international area and foreigntrade of Bancolombia between 2005 – 2010, and between 2010 -2014 she worked as a lawyerfor the ORBIS Group General Secretary team.

Camilo Restrepo

Architect, graduated from Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana in Medellín in 1998. He holds amaster’s degree in urban design, architecture and urban culture from Universidad Politécnica deCatalunya, METROPOLIS program. Co-founder and creative director of AGENdA.

He has been a Design Critic professor since 2014 at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. USA.And, since 2017 at the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Camilo has been invited to different events of discussion and exhibition of architecture andurbanism around the world: Chicago Architecture Biennial, Make New History (2017), LIGA DF# 25, Space for architecture, individual exhibition (2017), Mextropoli, México (2017), OpeningLecture for the Swiss Architecture Association Basel, BSA, Suiza (2017), Bienal de Arquitectura deChile, Impostergable, (2017), Heliomorphism, Harvard Graduate School of Design (2016), DesignTechniques, Harvard Graduate School of Design (2015), SAP South American Project, HarvardGraduate School of Design (2011).

Available artwork

Árbol, Corteza, Hojas, Liquen, Orquídeas,  2017
280 x 140 cm (each)
Ed. 1/5 + 1AP
Ceiba, 2017
280 x 140 cm
Ed. 1/5 + 1AP