Bernardo Ortiz
Bernardo Ortiz studied Visual Arts and Philosophy. He has presented solo exhibitionsin Buenos Aires, Bogotá, São Paulo, and Seville, and has participated, among others, ininternational exhibitions as the 11ème Biennale de Lyon, in Lyon (2011); Aire de Lyon, at theFundación Proa in Buenos Aires (2011); the 30ª Bienal Internacional de Arte de São Paulo,in São Paulo (2012); Marking Language, Drawing Room, in London (2013); Ephymeroptarae,in Vienna (2013); the XI Bienal de Monterrey FEMSA, in Monterrey (2014); the XII Bienalde Cuenca, in Cuenca (2014); Game Piece (with Erick Beltrán), REDCAT, in Los Angeles(2015), VOLT, Bergen (2013) ; Monochrome Undone, in Los Angeles (2015); and the 20thBiennale of Sydney, in Sydney (2016). His work forms part of such major collections as: TheMuseum of Modern Art, New York; Tate Modern, London; the Deutsche Bank Collection,Frankfurt; the Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros, New York; the Centre National desArts Plastiques (CNAP), Paris; and the Kadist Art Foundation, Paris.